DeFi protocols are connected to MORE Vaults through Facets. Facets are modular smart contracts within a MORE Vault that provide specific functionality to the diamond contract. The diamond contract acts as a proxy, holding storage and delegating function calls to various facets. Each facet is responsible for implementing a set of functions that can be added, replaced, or removed from the diamond contract without affecting other parts of the MORE Vault.
MORE Vaults are modular as different facets handle different functionalities on different protocols like lending on Aave, swapping on Uniswap, staking on Lido and hundreds of others, separated as distinct, upgradeable integrations.
Default Facets
The ERC-4626 allows the MORE Vault to not just hold yield-bearing tokens and ERC-20s, but also create its own yield-bearing vaults when coupled with other facets.
Access Control
The Access Control facet enforces the governance system of the MORE Vault. It serves as a means of providing Vault Owners a fully customizable way to manage the risks specific to any type of Curator.
For example, an individual whale may bring on a professional DeFi trader as the Vault Curator. He may choose to assign himself the Guardian role in order to monitor and validate the Curator's allocation decisions.
In contrast, a small fund of 5 DeFi investors may hold both the Vault Owner and Curator roles through a Safe. They may assign the Guardian role to a single team member as a last resort safety precaution.
Multicall (Bundler)
The Multicall facet allows multiple function calls to be executed in a single transaction, reducing gas costs and improving UX. By batching operations across different facets, it ensures all calls succeed or the transaction reverts, preventing partial state changes. This approach helps keep gas costs at a minimum, while enabling seamless cross-facet functionality such as liquidity migration.
Core Facets
Core facets are DAO-approved and professionally audited integrations between MORE Vaults and EVM protocols. Facets expose the underlying functions of an integrated protocol. For example, a Vault using the Aave facet can supply to a market, borrow from a market, repay a loan and withdraw deposits. On Uniswap, the Vault can swap, provide liquidity, stake or unstake a LP token and withdraw funds. While these are examples, the full scope of each protocol's unique functions is exposed within MORE Vaults through these facets.
For a complete list of facets and supported EVMs, check out Contracts.
MORE Vaults abstractions give Vault Owners and Curators a suite of tools that leverage the functions exposed by core facets.
These tools simplify the execution of common trading strategies by exposing them as one-click operations. In MORE Vaults v1, these include:
recursive borrowing (loops)
yield farming
basis farming
liquidation farming
exits of leveraged positions
Abstractions offer Curators a way of building ad hoc structured products as part of their portfolios or as standalone vaults that scale with deposits. As new trading strategies are popularized, the list of these abstractions can and will be expanded.
MORE DAO supports community members who take initiatives to expand the coverage of vaults to new DeFi protocols and EVM networks.
Last updated