MORE Markets vaults provide provisions for 4 roles that ensure the proper execution and functions of a vault. 3 of these roles, owner, curator and allocator(s) are mandatory, while guardians are not. These roles are set at vault creation. Curators and guardians can be modified after vault creation. Allocators can have their permissions revoked, but may not be removed. In order to preserve permanent and constant management of a vault the owner cannot be modified once the vault has been instantiated.
MORE vaults allow for the nomination of a single owner. The owner is responsible for setting a curator, a guardian and as many allocators as they choose. Its scope of responsibilities include:
Setting or transferring role designations (curator, guardian and allocator),
Modifying vault fees up to a 50% cap,
Adjusting timelock settings for heightened security,
Appointing or replacing the guardian,
Revoking allocators,
Deciding on the redistribution of rewards,
All significant changes are subject to a mandatory timelock.
The owner of a MORE vault can encompass a large variety of actors from crypto traders to DAOs and traditional financial institutions to algorithms.
Vaults can only have only one curator. In addition to its own specific scope of management, the curator also has the same scope of permissions as allocators. It is responsible for:
Managing market interactions and liquidity caps,
Increasing or removing supply caps after a timelock period,
Reallocating assets when markets are adjusted or removed,
Coordinateing with allocators to implement changes in market strategies effectively,
Forcibly removing markets under specific conditions,
Acting within the boundaries set by timelocks to mitigate risks promptly.
Multiple actors can serve as allocators, managing the order and specifics of asset allocation across markets, including urgent reallocations. Their principle objective is to optimize the APY on deposited assets. Their role includes:
Directing the order and priority of market funding,
Handling immediate reallocations between markets,
Managing queues for asset supply and withdrawal, optimizing liquidity,
Ensuring the vault operates efficiently across different market conditions.
There can only be one guardian who serves as a safeguard for lenders. The guardian can nullify pending operations that may affect the vault negatively, providing an essential check on the other roles. Its responsibilities include:
Overriding potentially harmful or unauthorized actions during the timelock period,
Revoking changes in market caps and role assignments,
Acting as a critical failsafe against improper modifications or external threats.
Last updated